No, Lord Mayor Zempilas, not another off the cuff remark that appeals to the masses but has little construct validity. Your proposal to have a curfew for teen agers in Northbridge is not the solution.
In 2003 Dr Gallop, then Premier of WA, imposed such a curfew. All that this did was shift the problem. One of the many things we, working in various committees with WA Police, found was that these teenagers were in Northbridge because often their home presented a place of danger. In order to escape that danger at home, they choose to be in Northbridge.
All that a curfew of this nature does is disadvantage the majority of teenagers, like my sons, who are there for friendship and camaraderie. Further, the outcome of this curfew, if implemented, is to do what happened in 2003, and that is to shift the problem to other nightspots. Suddenly, places like Fremantle and Leederville will become the target areas for these disadvantaged young people.
What is needed are far more effective measures such as engagement with the teenagers and providing distractions such as late night basketball matches and congregate settings that give those young people a safe place. Maybe, one of our much feted and lauded Football teams could set up a coaching clinic of sorts in these areas at a late evening timeslot? Who knows, it could even unearth a mega star of the sporting variety for the future.
Best Regards
Suresh Rajan
