Pauline Hanson never ceases to amaze me. When I think that she can stoop no lower in her condemnation of people she sinks to even further depths. This was from Hansard today:
"What the government's cash card is ensuring is that this money is spent on food, clothing and other essentials that they need. It is ensuring that their rent is paid. That's what this card is about. It's not about a person's rights. When you go onto this card, you basically lose your rights as well. If you go on a welfare system, you've lost your rights. You have a responsibility to the taxpayers of this nation."
And further on she says this to Senator Lidia Thorpe (The first Aboriginal Senator from Victoria):
"I will not sit here in the Senate and hear other senators claim that it's their land. This is racist; a certain number of people are being picked on. Like I said, in some of these communities, the population is truly Aboriginal."
Yes, let's rewrite history while we are handing out the Indue card. FFS . This person (Hanson) is the worst of all the tossers we have had in the Australian Parliament and that is really saying something.