My post from a few years ago - on this day. Just a reminder to live a full life and enjoy our time here:
"October 24th, an interesting date for me. On this date in 2011, my wife, Lis convinced me to go and see the doctor after work. I had been breathless and, in my view having an asthma attack over the previous two weeks. Anyway, 5.00 pm appt at Jane Purdie's surgery and she did an ECG and other tests. At 5.30 she advises me that she has called an ambulance to take me to hospital as I had had a heart attack and likely to have another one.
I did what every man does at that point and said to her "I work at the Hospital campus anyway, why don't I go and see them in emergency tomorrow?" Her response was "Because you won't go!!".
Anyway, Angiogram a day later, Quadruple bypass a few days later and then home for recovery. Three weeks later, back in hospital and after lots of tests, discovery of a squamous cell carcinoma in my stomach. Then of course, i had the gastroectomy (removal of most of my stomach) and dealt with the fact that the grade 4 cancer was in 21 lymph nodes around the stomach. Chemo and Radio therapy followed and now five years on I am still here!!
Got to be happy with the outcome to date. Too much to do and little time to do it in.
Value each day and live it well. Ours is a short time, make it a good one. Have a great day everyone." 💖🙏