This morning I had the good fortune to catch up with a person I regard with a great deal of affection. I have known him as long as I have been involved on radio. I started on radio in 1992 and two of us became nodding acquaintances. That developed into a friendship and when we discovered that both of us had the same passion for human rights issues it became a case of deep admiration for each other.
That man is Dennis Eggington. Den and I have always remained good friends despite not necessarily agreeing on everything that each other said or did. Dennis has finished his stint at Aboriginal Legal Services and is now going to spend time with family. I will say however, stay tuned to see some work that he and I are contemplating in the area of developing young Aboriginal leaders in this town. We see the prospect of passing some of our knowledge and expertise over to young minds as something that we consider worthwhile.
But the purpose of this post is to acknowledge that a damn fine fellow has moved on from his employment position. A position he has held with distinction for many a year. And he deserves a rest. But I am inordinately pleased that we will continue our association. I hope our combined passion and experience in human rights will not be lost to our community. Congratulations Dennis on a damn fine career at ALS.
Pic 2 is us many years ago (at a guess I think that would have been around 2007 or so). And Pic 1 is us a few weeks ago. I reckon we have both aged ok. (Even if I say so myself!)

Awesome! Looking forward to reading about the new initiatives.