I take some heart from the fact that Prince (as he once was) Harry has had “an awakening” as to the existence of racism in our world. Recognising that this “world that we know has been created by White people for White people” and this has created some of the angst and issues that we face today, puts him in a position to address these issues.
The Black Lives Matter is but a small manifestation of the deep seated sense of rebellion that is occurring all around the world. The fact that the BLM principles have been embraced by First Nations Peoples in this country is a clear indication that this is a worldwide movement.
Further, the fact that Harry, a descendant of a family who were involved in some of the worst aspects of this White Supremacy in places like India, Africa etc. can understand and appreciate the depth of feeling gives us some hope that there is prospect for change. For my Aboriginal Brothers and Sisters let us hope that change will result. Some form of self-governance would be a substantial step in the right direction.
We can but hope.
Suresh Rajan
President ECCWA
20 View Street
North Perth WA 6006
0403 276 960