I find it quite remarkable that our Opposition Leader, Liza Harvey, refuses to rule out a preference deal with One Nation. This would have to be the action of someone who has not read the “mood” of the room.
Queensland has just delivered a resounding smack in the face of One Nation and decimated their primary vote. That party has based its entire existence on policies that are mired in the hatred of racism. Just look back at the performance of their leader in recent years. Dressing in a Burka, moving a motion that it’s “ok to be white” (the catchcry of the White Supremacists overseas) etc. are all the actions of people whose raison d’etre is unadulterated racism.
What makes this decision by Ms Harvey even more galling is the fact that she holds the portfolio of Multicultural Interests. I also note that former leader Colin Barnett has cautioned against the cosy preference deal.
I urge each Liberal candidate to adopt the principled stance of Eoin Cameron, some years ago, when standing for the seat of Stirling, he went against the status of the party machinery and refused to exchange preferences with One Nation. This ultimately cost him the seat but won him the respect of the culturally and linguistically diverse communities of Perth.
Suresh Rajan
President ECCWA
20 View Street
North Perth WA 6006