So much has already been written about the events of revolution that we witnessed happening in the houses of democracy in the United States of America. Understandably, most Australian Journalists and Commentators have expressed a degree of shock and awe at the events.
However, I raise the question of whether there is much different here in Australia? It was in 1996 that we formalised the introduction of race based politics into parliament and voted in the purveyor of race hate at a Federal level, Pauline Hanson. Since that time an unholy cabal of opportunists such as Malcolm Roberts, Fraser Anning and others have carried on the hate based politics of Hanson.
And occasionally, this race and hate based policy position has crept into the mainstream party charter. Attorney General Christian Porter’s support for the “It’s OK to be White” motion is but one manifestation of that infiltration.

So, whilst the events of the last few days in America are rightly a source of considerable shock and awe for us, let us not be deluded into believing that the prospects of the same happening here are remote. We must be vigilant and have our security forces in readiness to act if necessary. And every one of us has a responsibility to ensure that the purveyors of that hatred are never elected to any parliament.
Suresh Rajan