I know it is Christmas and all that but I wanted to simply make one observation as we come to the end of 2020.
There seems to be a (perfectly understandable) line of thinking saying that we all want 2020 to end and that with that ending will come the end of the pandemic and the Corona Virus as we know it. Yes, there is no question that 2020 has been a brutal year. A significant part of that brutality is the virus. But the virus has not got a Calendar, a Watch or a Smart Phone. It will not know when 31 December comes around.
And that scares me. I, like a lot of my friends are people of high risk if we contract the virus. It is imperative that we can not become complacent and everyone else also needs not to become complacent.
I was at the Galleria shopping centre on Thursday. Everyone was busy doing their last minute Christmas shopping and almost no-one was practising any social distancing, using QR codes appropriately or sanitising properly. A significant number of the sanitisers were also empty.
Without sounding too much like a Grinch, my survival is dependent on all of us practising these proper procedures until such time as the whole world is vaccinated.
Yes, 2020 will end next week. There is no way we can communicate that to the virus and seek its co-operation in eliminating itself by then. So let's remain or return to vigilance just for a while longer. Thanks folks.