In recent times I seem to be seeing more and more of my friends diagnosed and dealing with Cancers of many varied and severe types. I am unsure if there seems to be greater diagnosis or whether there is some correlation to lifestyles, pandemics etc etc. Whatever, the reasons, anecdotally it seems like every fourth or fifth person I meet is dealing with this. In some of the cases, where I know them well, I have sent them the interview I did with Geoff when he ruled the Morning airwaves on 720ABC Perth. He had a program called "Who are you?" where he spoke to people like myself, who were reasonably vocal and vociferous in our respective fields and tried during the interviews to establish what made us tick.
The day I went in for the interview was the day after I had started my Chemo and Radio therapy for my Grade 4 Stomach Cancer. And of course my cancer was diagnosed a few weeks (about 3) after a heart attack and quad bypass. And with a terminal diagnosis of 6 months it was not a pleasant time to engage with my then 9 and 7 year old sons.
Anyway, everyone who has listened to the interview has said they were given some heart as to the potential for surviving what we have always considered a death sentence of Cancer. I am now posting that interview here so anyone else who thinks they can get some benefit from can have a listen. At the end of the day, if even ONE of my friends is able to feel strengthened to take on the world, I will be a very happy OLD man. And OLD is one thing that I did not ever envisage becoming at the time of my diagnosis. So here it is: