Almost on cue, the Prime Minister has again pulled out his fail safe tactic of “race baiting”. Every election just as matters get a little bit more willing there will be a resorting to demonisation of refugees, immigrants and other often marginalised groups.
On this occasion the PM has chosen to discuss immigrants to this country that have failed the “character test”. The reality is that a significant number of those that he and Peter Dutton have detained under these provisions in the past have been people who have lived almost all of their lives in Australia. They came here as children and have forged their lives on or off the beaten track here. All of their reasons for offending are formed in this country. So why deport our problem to a country they have had nothing to do with for many years?
My other question to the PM is whether he intends to apply a similar “character test” to people born and brought up in this country? I wonder where we intend to deport those people to?

Suresh Rajan